2.93 | "I think the movie realizes how stupid its premise is, and is able to laugh at itself" "Based on the movie's genre and concept it is virtually impossible to come out with a "great" movie." "One thing I loved is how easily Dave Franco is forgotten about" |
I went into Warm Bodies thinking it was going to be a spoof of some sorts. I’m still not sure if it was. The big selling points for me were the main character’s dialogue, the soundtrack, and some of the silly humor. The music was enjoyable and definitely filled in for the lack of dialogue well. The main character’s description of events and dry take on being a zombie was pretty funny - I chuckled a couple times. I can’t help but laugh at the easy stuff like playing catch with a zombie and the ball simply drills him or the two zombies grunting at each other at the bar.
I could have watched 90 minutes of over the top zombie comedy and come away more pleased. I think the film lost it’s way about 20 minutes in.
My biggest gripes with Warm Bodies are the following:
1) John Malcovich’s character is boring. Why did he even take that role?
2) I’m not sure if the chase scenes were trying to be intense or funny, but they seemed like filler to me.
3) The scene 2/3 of the way through where she stops in the burbs after being chased by zombies was terrible. Another one of those things were it’s like a zombie spoof, but not really because nothing bad happened. She was making relatively rational decisions (besides dating a zombie) until then.
Maybe I missed something or forgot some scene I really liked, but after this review I’m sticking with a B-.