C+ | An otherworldly being stalks Scotland for human prey. Directed by Jonathan Glazer Starring Scarlett Johansson Initial Review by Blair Setnor |

Overall, the movie was beautifully shot with incredible nature scenes and equally incredible CGI. The music and sound effectively had my blood pressure raised the entire movie. I had to immediately turn it off because my heart rate needed to come down.
Leaving the baby on the shore about broke me. That was some Dear Zachary shit. The fact that it's so preposterous- I mean, I love my dogs, but come the fuck on- made me able to continue watching. I find it very unrealistic. (I mean this whole move could be also... but not the point.) While I hated this scene, it is very effective.
We understand that Scarlett has no humanity. None. The rest of the first half of the movie goes on to show her preying on men to eventually get their skin. It's a game that is always on her terms, but she has to bring them back to her lair.
A note about the under world/water/lair: super creepy and incredibly creative and stunning. Bodies/skin floating around is gross and scary... the fact that they are not dead is even creepier.
So we begin to see her life as this unending and miserable cycle. Then we meet "the deformed man" as so aptly put by IMDB. We see him sink into the water just like every other man, then there's this intense scene where Scarlett is staring at herself in the mirror. It is super suspenseful and emotionally charged. Is she intrigued by herself? Searching for something... maybe desire? Emotion? Humanity? Is she scared? Great shot here. Plus, the fly that is trapped is a perfect analogy to the men she traps.
We hear some background noise, but the shot is so intense I did not think the dude could escape. But lo and behold. He is out- by his own volition? Doubtful.
The rest of the movie is her search for humanity and her desire to be human- to feel, to be intimate, to even eat. She spends time with a decent guy and finds out she has no vagina. Sad.
By the time we got to the "hill hikers take refuge here," I have admitted to myself that I feel both simultaneously intrigued and also 100% ready for this film to be over. The stress is getting to me and I need a resolution.
The end comes soon! She sleeps, which is interesting. Does she normally sleep? Wakes up to the creeper on the trail assaulting her. He goes on to attack her and ends up setting her on fire. The scene ends peacefully with snow and smoke. It seems like a release.
Grade: A-
Random notes:
- Lots of penises in this movie.
- What's the deal/relationship with motorcycle clean up guy?
- She's powerful but not in a way where she could defeat or capture the 5 dudes that try and jump her car or the man who tries to rape her in the end. That makes the character really interesting and I like the dichotomy of the first half of the movie where she is just a hunter and the second where she is searching for her own humanity.
- Only critique is some poor CGI with the smoke against the snow.