B- | A divorced woman readjusts to single life. Directed by Paul Mazursky Starring Jill Clayburgh Initial Review by Drew Landry |

To put it bluntly, the film did not get interesting until the end. To see Erica dating and finding herself were defining moments. The reason they were defining moments were for the time of the film and Erica's role in the feminist movement. Erica had moments where she could have stood down to the men in her life but she held her ground.
Despite the strength and sensitivity of Erica and her important role in the display of feminism in media, it was drowned out by the uninspired story of director Paul Mazursky. The film lasted thirty minutes too long and the supporting cast was equally uninteresting as the story.
A boring story mixed with a tired supporting cast and a great last twenty minutes equals an average piece.
Grade: C