Shane of Thrones draws nigh, let's relive episode 3 through 36 memes.
First the previews.
First the previews.
Now on to episode 3. First let's address the darkness. As the token MMC CGI guy, from what I understand the more special effects which are added to a scene the more it darkens and compresses the image. When you can purchase the Ultra 4K version for your gigabit network, it will look a lot better - until then crank that brightness. I actually watch with the lights out, increased spookiness and vision. Go me! Anyway, this second meme is 100% false.
On to the initial battle. Read on ...
Bran prepares to do whatever Bran does.
Meanwhile, inside Winterfell.
The Night King is leading, big time. You could say he's up 3 - 1.
Arya vs. Night King. All the memes! (In no particular order)
Wrapping up episode 3
A couple of leaked scenes from Episode 4
Honorable mention for Cersei's dream defense...