The group gets together to chat about Season 6 of Game of Thrones. They spend some time at The Wall, Winterfell, the Iron Islands and freaking awful Dorne. Seriously... What happened to Dorne? So awful. Also, Jon gets some joking redemption.
The guys get back together to discuss the aftermath of Cy's murderous rage. Plus they discuss Eddie (but really pretty much we discussed Cy.)
Your 4th favorite moderately talented group of critics gets together to discuss Season 5 and what we're gonna see in Season 6. Dorne is kind of talked about, just like they kind of committed to giving Dorne some sort of plot last year. Also, Jon makes a bad joke.
The fellas get together and mess up the first line of the podcast. Then they talk about some newcomers to camp, go in depth on Trixie and finish up with some inspired Cruel Masquerade. This one runs a little long, but lots were packed into these two episodes.
The fellas get together to discuss the 5th and 6th episodes of Deadwood. Reverend Smith is dissected (not in the same way Doc would like to dissect, however), more terrible acting and they talk a bit about baseball. This one gets into the big thesis within Deadwood the TV series.
The MMC gang gets together to discuss the new GoT Trailer and make some brief comments on the upcoming 6th season of GoT. This episode includes some hot Bran talk, derision of Dorne and one member shares some hygiene tips.